Saturday, 19 November 2011


What all these may imply I have written in .
I have got only weak support there but no objections.

It may not be all that bad but I have seen today that Dr. Hawking gets also more pessimistical view of the future of our next generations : 

Knowing about an interview with Werner Freiherr von Braun after his return to Germany I am unfortunately not as optimistical as he is about the space travel. It will be extremely hard.
Under these expected conditions next genarations will have hard times. They are supposed to be extremely economical. They need to calculate thrice before they act.

They will need to conduct research on the topics and find out some reliable results. Of course if they can find funds supporting this kind of research. Most probably they will be scarcer than ever.

I mentioned implicitly, via Aykhan questions in
in english
that we could more easily get to base two coding whereas we began with base 60.

We today feel ourselves much closer to inductive thinking whereas we began with deductive. These may mean intervention from the outer space on which I will write later.

Under these conditions I want to conduct math. and sciences to our kids and adolescents. I want to help them prepare the conditions of the expected future.

And I want the robots anf the top management of Google understand  that I am not after money. Money has been proposed to me many times in the past and I rejected.

Of course I do not mean that I am against being paid for work, good work. But I am in a position to work without being paid against. If money comes then I can use it for the benefit of other people who want to conduct good work.

yours very truly,


Of course there happened to be a good amount of sideways I thought to be mainways and entered. I want here to keep the line.
I saw in one of his books that Peter Lemusurier mentions the possibility of Orion being the Heavens of Holy Books.
I have visited a good amount of websites publishing related materials. They were supporting.
I spoke with Christians saying that Orion is explicitely mentioned in the Bible.
I saw interpretations like "Biblically, the constellation is likely to represent "... Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the Lord" (Gen 10:9), connected in extra-biblical lore with the building of the Tower of Babel (
I learned from Wikipedia that the Nimrod wore hunter clothes, a good probable way of claiming he is "The Great Hunter", the God.
And then, just about two years ago I saw 'Ali `Imran / 133 : And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous.
This verse says the width (depth) of the Heavens should be equal to its distance to Earth which is roughly true for Orion.

This was a further coincidence.

next post:what all this may imply


So have I happened to begin to think that the heavens may be localized but the shell was too distributed. I began to think about the matter and discussed it with friends. One of the days as I watch TV I noticed that the speaker said the Egyptians believed Osiris lived in Orion. I saw a possibility there and look for it's distance to Earth. There was contoversy but it  could well be 1000 l.y.
I called one of the friends with whom I discussed the subject,  I said the place (probably) mentioned mightwell be Orion. He answered "Orion? Isn't it the place where the humans are claimed to be created?"
But the Heavens were also where human (souls) are created. It was about 2000-2001, I knew Alta-Vista and Yahoo and newly learned Google. Google search was successful.
I wrote A Trial to Synthesis of Science and Religion , sent it to Journal of Philosphy (in England) and got no answer back. I sent it to Canadian Journal of Philosophy mentioning the prior sending and demanding review. The secreatary answered the first mail and informed review was usual. In about two weeks I got another mail from the Journal and surprised because I knew any review would take much longer. The secretary of the Journal was writing with a very polite style begining with "Dear Prof. German;" they could not publish the paper, they would not be allowed to.
I said so be it. I e-mailed the preprint to a couple of people including Dr. Eric Weissstein, knowing he was in the team explored Orion. Only Dr. Gary  Dryfoos of MIT turned back. From all other I got no reply.

The  subject was classified ? Probably!

next  post: further evidence

Friday, 18 November 2011


As we have said the distances given in differing sources are not in agreement. As is given in Wikipedia, the distance to Betelgeuse has varied from 300 l.y. to 1300 l.y. and settled around 650 l.y. From this example we may deduce something : If very great differences among data, get the average.
If we have repeating (periodical) data it gives us the chance to Box Car Averaging.
Extreme hypotheses and and theses floated around the average of all said by the -logy (science). Extreme ones were proposed due to two reasons:
1- The way the three pyramids of Egypt are constructed.
2- Rumor and hearsay left behind from the traditional Babylonian-Sumerian-Accadian cultural line.
And the average constructed was based on mainly these extremes. Better said science has reconstructed itself considering these extremes and evaluating them.
Any possible contribution from other sources was failing.
About 13 years ago I, a physicist and E:E, have been forced to leave my post and had free time. I began to drive a little bit mystical and began to reread the Quran this time trying to understand what is being said. I noticed As-Sajdah/5 :
 " He arranges [each] matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day, the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count."
Knowing that the particle velocites are bounded by the speed of light I thought of a sphere (spherical shell) around the World with a radius of 1000 light years.

will continue,


Before we continue to express our implicit hypothesis we want to give another figure:


We have to continue to acquisite data but it is an huge mass. At this stage we have to chose directions in data space, we have to make hypothesis and collect further data.
 We have an hypothesis, an implicit one for the time being.
Among the objects we see around us one of the interesting ones is the Orion Belt. The 3 stars about which we have a great deal of rumor. Let us look at their data:

1- Al Nilam  (Epsilon Orionis) Distance = (approx.) 1300 l.y.( )
2- Mintaka (Delta Orionis) Distance = (approx.) 900 l.y. ( )
3- Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis) Distance = (approx.) 700 l.y. ( )

Further information may be found in Wikipedia or via Googling. We have to be careful about the inaccuracies of the distances we gave.
Three things are worth mentioning:
a- They are not on the same line as the figure would suggest. It is seen from their distances .
b- For speculations about them just enter "(plane of) belt stars of orion" .
c- The state of Egyptology against these speculations is briefly given in the following work:

(will continue) with love,


We continue to collect and reflect data, processing we will do later:

Me and Google

Yes, the Mickey Mouse and Superman.
I began to write my rationals because Google has treated me like a dog. I am none. Nobody, not even Google can treat me this way for the sake of a couple of hundred dollars. Espacially if money has a guerilla uniform on it. Especially if days are coming in which money will be of miniscule use.
On the other hand I write these at a site owned by Google, with the help of Google and via Google. Without Google I would not be able to.
But these 30 years old kids are still kids not being able to be aware of , interpret and control all in the giant they created.
I hope our transaction will be a fruitful one.

One of the figures in the previous image should be turned upside down. Better the second and that is a do it yourself job.

very truly yours human beings,

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Rationals

The average man does not think much but he thinks and looks for possible tricks of every action because life conditions us to behave so. The rationals of is due. Before we think we have to gather the data; then we will process.
The economics:
1- It costs us about $ 100 a month (domain, hosting, computer, net connection etc.)
2- It has no monetary gain.

I do work 10 hours a day. Not being a teacher who is accustomed to teach the primary school kids, being an old researcher (research fellow), I have to find the important topics that will be the base of making a good researcher to conduct research and I have to make them understandable. My older son says  (11 years) "I stay here and my father works for the children of the World."

The main question here may be why of scattering all that advertisement into the pages and the answer is to be able to reach more of you. I want to see at the least 10 000 children vsiting my pages for at least a quarter of an hour a day.

Is that not money ? Probably but swearing to my CREATOR I promise you : As long as I live and happen to be the owner of Test-Dr. , it will not charge you more than it's costs, my own work being free. That is really a great swear and nobody else can compete with us on this ground.
If gain arises I will hire other people to help you.

Having hopefully resolved an apperangly contradictory issue, I stop here and my next post will be about the crucial things on which we think too less.

very truly yours,

Keeping the promises

We have to keep our promises given in our pages; we have to mention the problems we (probably) have detected and cite our suggestions.
It will first be useful to give the addresses we use, our scripts are a little bir scattered in these.
Our Site:
Our Associate Site:
Our group  and our forum will not contain related scripts so no need for their addresses.

First we have to make a claim, an hypothesis : The average man  is nowadays under data pressure, he gets very many data which he never processes. Some of them are important, some crucially important.
Thinking is our main way of processing the data and thinking is a kind of chewing the cud to digest the hard corns. Most of us are action lazy and thinking lazy nowadays. The necessary action are done by the machines thanks to available energy but nobody, no machine, thinks for us. It is against the nature of the things.

Some part of this lazyness is hereditary and some is attained during  the early years of life, say during the first 10 years mainly. We may say fifty fifty which means teachers, schools and educational system have to be questioned for their part. (to be continued)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Why I try ...

I do normally work 10-12 hours a day. Now I have some 200 visitors (not for the blog but for  the web site and about 300 pageviews. No income sure but no earning ? God knows !
The question is of course why of it. Well I know that the next generations will inherit our wind. My generation lived in such a silly way and that is certainly to cause stir, what a stir rather a tornado on this small Blue Planet.
We used resources generously, left problems without resources.
The nexts should learn to live with these scarce rosources and lot of problems around. They should be extemely economical, should calculate up to the 10th order after the comma.
I want to put my brick to build this monument of economy; I try to teach our kids math and sciences.
I do need your help in addition.

very truly,

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Added to Test-Dr.

In the last couple of days I have added 3-4 pages to
First group of  4th Grade math. tests, including geometry is now bilingually complete. I have given the properties of these tests in two pages.

Description of transactions with the site was failing. I added the following two pages.

Now we offer free private tutoring via net and the details of how is given in the pages. For those of you who may have demand, we wait you in Test-Dr.

yours very truly,

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Hello World

Hi to Everybody;
Well the title is a classic of the programmers as they begin learning a new language; the first program they see has normally this title. So is my first post. is my site and it is active, in case of educational subsite, bilingually (turkish and english) active now. I think the World is entering a difficult epoch, an epoch of uncertainity with J. K. Galbraiths's words.
I hope education will be of some use, education of the children who will inherit the full strength of this epoch.
I will write to members of ePals in detail as a member and I want to make a little think gymnastics beforehand.
I beg you to be patient and wait because I am extremely busy with the tests of the site nowadays and I will be for the next decade. Any convenience will let me write here and to hear your thoughts on the subject if you show interest.
Those of you that show interest and write deserve my thanks in advance.