Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Rationals

The average man does not think much but he thinks and looks for possible tricks of every action because life conditions us to behave so. The rationals of is due. Before we think we have to gather the data; then we will process.
The economics:
1- It costs us about $ 100 a month (domain, hosting, computer, net connection etc.)
2- It has no monetary gain.

I do work 10 hours a day. Not being a teacher who is accustomed to teach the primary school kids, being an old researcher (research fellow), I have to find the important topics that will be the base of making a good researcher to conduct research and I have to make them understandable. My older son says  (11 years) "I stay here and my father works for the children of the World."

The main question here may be why of scattering all that advertisement into the pages and the answer is to be able to reach more of you. I want to see at the least 10 000 children vsiting my pages for at least a quarter of an hour a day.

Is that not money ? Probably but swearing to my CREATOR I promise you : As long as I live and happen to be the owner of Test-Dr. , it will not charge you more than it's costs, my own work being free. That is really a great swear and nobody else can compete with us on this ground.
If gain arises I will hire other people to help you.

Having hopefully resolved an apperangly contradictory issue, I stop here and my next post will be about the crucial things on which we think too less.

very truly yours,

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