Saturday, 19 November 2011


So have I happened to begin to think that the heavens may be localized but the shell was too distributed. I began to think about the matter and discussed it with friends. One of the days as I watch TV I noticed that the speaker said the Egyptians believed Osiris lived in Orion. I saw a possibility there and look for it's distance to Earth. There was contoversy but it  could well be 1000 l.y.
I called one of the friends with whom I discussed the subject,  I said the place (probably) mentioned mightwell be Orion. He answered "Orion? Isn't it the place where the humans are claimed to be created?"
But the Heavens were also where human (souls) are created. It was about 2000-2001, I knew Alta-Vista and Yahoo and newly learned Google. Google search was successful.
I wrote A Trial to Synthesis of Science and Religion , sent it to Journal of Philosphy (in England) and got no answer back. I sent it to Canadian Journal of Philosophy mentioning the prior sending and demanding review. The secreatary answered the first mail and informed review was usual. In about two weeks I got another mail from the Journal and surprised because I knew any review would take much longer. The secretary of the Journal was writing with a very polite style begining with "Dear Prof. German;" they could not publish the paper, they would not be allowed to.
I said so be it. I e-mailed the preprint to a couple of people including Dr. Eric Weissstein, knowing he was in the team explored Orion. Only Dr. Gary  Dryfoos of MIT turned back. From all other I got no reply.

The  subject was classified ? Probably!

next  post: further evidence

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